Beyond the Quantum:
An Existential Crisis in 5 Acts
by angie lapaglia & dorshak blok
Is it a graphic novel?
Is it an art object?
Is it an epic poem?
Beyond the Quantum: An Existential Crisis in 5 Acts is none of the above and all of the above. It's 30 mind-expanding illustrations wrapped in a narrative that stares into the abyss and calls its bluff.
And it's how two Oklahoma artists collaborated through a global scourge to create a genre-bending cult classic in the making.
6.25” x 7.75” | soft cover, perfect bound | 48 pages
by angie lapaglia
photography & design by darshan phillips
An autobiography in verse and photographs.
9" x 12" | soft cover, perfect bound | premium art-grade paper | 87 pages
out of print
Autumn 2011 Atlas Poetica: A Journal of Poetry of Place
2011 Take Five Best Contemporary Tanka
2010 Take Five Best Contemporary Tanka